Thursday, January 1, 2015

DAY 01- Skrapnel and Reflector (Transformers Generations, 2014)

January 1st, 2015. Day 1 of 365.

Generations Skrapnel and Reflector is one of those toys that comes along that really surprises me in terms of how intricate a toy can be even though the toy itself is around three inches in height. Even though the insect mode of Skrapnel is basically immobile, the sculpt itself is more than enough in my book, merging the blocky robotic aesthetic of the original Insecticon with a more alien and insectoid style.

Also you can totally mount Reflector on top of Skrapnel in either his Targetmaster gun mode or his camera mode. Either way, he sticks out like a sore thumb, even if I do like the idea of a small insect drone taking photos and intel back to base via Reflector's lens.

Also Reflector has a robot mode. It is just as underwhelming and useless as it looks.

After an impressive display of panel shifting and hiding away insect mode details, Skrapnel's robot mode is a surprise in just how well designed he is, regardless of his insect mode legs just... sitting there. His shoulders, elbows, hips and knees are all ball jointed and have impressive ranges, and in a surprise in his size class, his head turns on a swivel joint (real talk: I didn't notice that until shooting the photos.)

As with his insect mode, Skrapnel can hold Reflector in both gun and camera modes, with his hands having just enough clearance to grab on to Reflectors arms as a handle.

Skrapnel was one of the robots revealed for Generations that I ultimately had zero interest in when he was revealed, and if it wasn't thanks to a weird last minute Christmas gift I would have missed out on the little guy. And really, I'm really glad I didn't. Grab him while you can. before he disappears all together as the Combiner Wars begin to loom over in the distance.

Day 1 complete. 364 more to go.

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