Monday, January 5, 2015

DAY 05- Bumblebee (Transformers: Masterpiece)

January 5th, 2015. Day 5 of 365.

2014 was a strange year for Transformers: The brand's 30th Anniversary came and went, the franchise's fourth film became Hasbro's second $1,000,000,000 movie, Combiners began their return, a long awaited female character from the original cartoon finally got her first official toy, and to make things even better the Takara Masterpiece line pulled no punches with their releases and reveals.

And given the fact I have an entire shelf devoted to the amalgamation that can only be called "The Hive", it's pretty easy to guess which Masterpiece release made me the happiest.

Generation 1 Bumblebee has always been a character and design that kept getting the shaft over the years, mostly due to his use of the Volkswagen Beetle vehicle mode an- You know what. No. The formula can just go to the curb. This is Masterpiece Bumblebee. I waited almost a year for this toy to be released.

Masterpiece Bumblebee is a near-flawless work of love to the character from Takara-Tomy, and every single small detail of this toy reminds me of why I love this franchise as much as I do. From the super detailed and accurate Volkswagen Beetle alternate mode (Right down to the single rearview mirror on the side of the car and optional rear-mounted tire) to a completely cartoon accurate robot mode, Bumblebee is a spectacular highlight of the talent of the designers and artists over at Takara Tomy.

He also comes with a gun, as well an alternate set of faces (one smiling and one smiling even more) as well as...

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about the Witwicky Exo-Suit toy. It'll have a chance of spotlight on its own
Well. That thing. Masterpiece Bumblebee is the closest thing you'll ever get to perfection from a toy, and to avoid making even more hyperbolic statements, I'll just wrap it up with this:

Go buy him. You open a new tab and you go buy him right now.

Day 5 Complete, 360 Days Remain.

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