Friday, January 2, 2015

DAY 02- Bumblebee (Transformers Construct-Bots)

January 2nd, 2015. Day 2 of 365

Look, Construct-Bots doesn't interest a lot of people. I can't blame you.

Even as a building toy line, Construct-Bots falls apart. The customization angle that the line could have thrived upon was barely touched upon by Hasbro, and not even a year into the product line's life, the connection styles and construction methods were completely rebooted making the majority of the line's first batch of sets not even be remotely compatible with the second year sets.

At some point, we'll get to the misfortunes of the bigger Constructbots line, but for today we'll look at the miniature "Dino Rider" Constructbots. These smaller versions of the characters from Transformers: Age of Extinction were completely built around compatibility of the bigger Construct-Bots Dinobots, and retailed at most locations for less than $6. As such, these things are tiny and simple as all get out and most of them share the exact same transformation of "Fold feet into bumper, lock arms in place, flip head in chest and hey look it's a car or truck or something." All of the small Dino Rider Construct-Bots have bear-minimum articulation with balljointed hips, knees, ankles and shoulders. That's it.

Bumblebee is no different.

Don't expect much. It's a simple construction line at an impulse buy price point. But maybe there are other impulse construction lines that are more worth your money unless you're specifically out for something that transforms.

Maybe we'll cover that on the 7th.

Day 2 complete. 363 more to go.

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